SXSW Hotline Miami 2 Launch Party

Who knew game developers can also be rockstars?

On Friday, March 13th, the doors were blown off Empire Control Room’s hinges as FUCKING WEREWOLF ASSO rocked out to the enjoyment of a sold out, invite-only event at the SXSW launch party for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number.

Absolute metal. And shredding. So much shredding.

Published by indie label Devolver Digital, Friday night’s launch party acted as a send off for the popular gaming series with the game’s co-creator, Dennis Wedin, providing lead vocals and bass for WEREWOLF to celebrate the game’s release.
As their first appearance and venue in the United States, FUCKING WEREWOLF ASSO shredded their set list as the three-piece band (bass, guitar, drums) brought sweet, sweet, Swedish metal to Austin’s virgin ears. The sheer rockage on display left many attendees in a daze and wondering if they had just been hit by a bus — which they had, a Swedish bus of rock.
El Huevo also accompanied Fucking Werewolf Asso on their American debut.
The band won’t be making the rounds again in the US for quite some time, but fans of Hotline Miami can find FUCKING WEREWOLF ASSO’s music and more at the link below:
Photos by: Sarah Todd
Article by: Nick Todd

Sarah Todd: Founder and Editor-in-chief of MonkeyGooseMag.com. Sarah has always been passionate about music and film, and in her spare time (which isn't much since becoming a mom) she's usually up late at night editing photos and binge-watching various drama/horror shows.