Wavves // Live @ The Mohawk // 5.28.17

Article and Photos by: Melanie Allen


Austin, TX— Fans lined up for Wavves outside the Mohawk, regardless of the predicted thunderstorms ahead. Patrons filed into the venue to claim their most ideal spots for watching the show, though every seat in the house is a good one at the Mohawk. The rain came in, but the entire audience stuck around—some even stood in the rain, refusing to give up their close-up views.

After about half an hour of nonstop hard rain, it slowed down significantly, and Kino Kimino seized the stage. Frontwoman Kim Talon’s enthusiasm and hypnotizing voice stole the crowd instantly, which served as much redemption from the uncontrollable weather. Though they aren’t a “jam band,” KK was definitely going hard on stage.

Kino Kimino is an artfully pop yet punk band from Brooklyn, and they were excited to be playing in Austin for the first time, and to be touring with label mates, Wavves. Their first full length album, Bait Is For Sissies, was released last year.

Wavves’ set was delayed just a bit, and some were impatient, chanting the band’s name in synchrony. Cheers erupted as the lights dimmed, and moments later, the band was ready to play. Frontman Nathan Williams shouted, “I told you rain or shine, didn’t I?!” The crowd affirmatively yelled in response, ready for the show. Wavves’ album You’re Welcome was released less than two weeks before the show and in addition to the newest tracks, the band played many of the older ones, which Williams had mentioned are now 10 years old. There wasn’t one song during which there weren’t several crowd members stage diving, which isn’t out of the norm for a Wavves show.

Per tradition at each show, Williams took a gnarly dive from the balcony at the Mohawk during one of their oldest hits, “Green Eyes,” and crowd surfed his way around the venue while bandmates Stephen Pope, Alex Gates, and Brian Hill continued to shred on stage. Without a doubt, a Wavves show is always a good time.


Melanie Allen: Originally from San Antonio, Photography student, avid concert-goer, Social media addict. [www.melanieallenphoto.co.vu]