Categories: MUSIC

Top 5 Most Emotional Songs of 2017

Article by: Courtney Drake


2017 has produced many great albums thus far, from PVRIS to Paramore to Palisades. This list features a variety of songs, chosen by readers, that resonate with them and make them feel surges of emotions every time they hear them. This article does not feature one genre specifically; it is a heterogeneous mixture of varying genres. Even so, they all have one thing in common: the emotion that went into creating them.


1. “Two Ghosts” by Harry Styles

“Honestly, this whole album is very emotional and personal. I love how in “Two Ghosts” Harry wrote about how even though people change we try to stay the same because we don’t like change. It also hits the point that sometimes when you change you don’t quite realize it until it’s too late. The song emphasizes to be thankful for what you have and to enjoy every second because it could change before you know it.”

Freedom Smith


2. “19 Seventy Sumthin'” by Neck Deep

photo credit: Elliott Ingham

“This song is about losing a loved one and I have recently lost a loved one, so it really brings out all of that emotion and grief. You can really feel the pain Ben felt as a result of losing his father in this song but also his love for his parents and their story.”

Karla Blake


3. “Anyone Else” by PVRIS

photo credit: Max Fairclough

“Every time I listen to it there’s this immediate tug at my heart. I feel like this is a song that everyone can relate to, in some way. Especially if you’ve ever had your heart broken. It’s overall just such a powerfully emotional song and I can’t stop listening to it.”



4. “Sorry” by Halsey

photo credit: Elliott Ingham

“In most love songs, it seems that the artist is blaming the other person for the relationship’s failure. “Sorry,” however, comes from a perspective where the artist is the one to blame and they acknowledge that. Halsey acknowledges her faults and the lyrics are brutally honest with both herself and the other person. It’s the kind of raw emotion and honesty that people should be exposed to, instead of spiteful feelings toward someone who doesn’t deserve them. It also deals with mental health issues such as anxiety, trust issues, fear of abandonment, and depression.”

@asencionramirez_photography on Instagram


5. “Praying” by Kesha

“I grew up in a household where my mom and I were victims of my dad’s abuse. We both had to endure mental and emotional abuse, but Mom was also at the receiving end of physical abuse from time to time. Mom was never allowed to have a driver’s license, to work (unless it suited him because he didn’t want to), have friends, etc. When I was 13 years old, he had an affair with a woman he worked with and left us. It was both a blessing and a hardship. In the years that followed, Mom went blind from cataracts; had four surgeries to restore her vision; I was sexually assaulted; I dropped out of college; we’ve endured difficult relationships with other loved ones; a fire left us without a place to stay and without many personal belongings. We’ve finally cut out all of the other toxic relationships. Finally, after many years of just trying to survive, we are financially independent and stable. I graduated with an associate’s degree in May, will turn 32 in December, and will continue working toward my bachelor’s degree in January. My dad is still in my life, but for the first time ever our relationship follows my rules–not his. Mom and I–we can finally breathe again.”

— Annie Mae Payne on Facebook

After listening to these songs, I found myself submerged in an endless downpour of emotions, primarily sadness and grief. I felt these things during every song, despite the fact that I may not be able to relate to some of them, so I cannot even begin to imagine how someone who can relate to each one of these things would feel while listening. I truly encourage you to give these 5 songs a listen, even if you think you won’t like what you hear. Be open minded and find something new to enjoy.

*Some submissions have been edited for clarity and all submissions/names were posted with the permission of those individuals.*

Courtney Drake: