Armor for sleep // Live @ Rams Head Live! // 11.08.23

Article and Photos by: Kimmi Taylor


Baltimore, MD — Three high energy performers took a usual Wednesday night in Baltimore, MD and turned it into a 2003 flashback party from another world. It’s hard to believe it’s been twenty years since these bands put these songs out!

The first of which was The Spill Canvas. The South Dakota natives started out their set with “Stapledgunned” which got the crowd warmed up.  After the super intimate set of eight of their hits, they saw everyone in the venue cheering and loudly applauding.

Before the headliner took over, the fans were treated to an energetic opening act by The Early November. The New Jersey natives had non stop energy from the moment they stepped on the stage. They played their full album, The Room’s too cold. Lead singer, Ace, introduced us to his son. He is a splitting image of his father!

After two great sets from some pretty amazing bands, it was Armor for sleep’s turn. It was time for the Dream to Make Believe album to be heard in its entirety again.

The fans erupted with joy, singing along to every word. They even played one of their older songs,”The More You Talk the Less I Hear”. At one point there was even a mosh pit going! After an 18-song set, the crowd dispersed. It was a sense of awe lingering in the air and a reminder that music has the ability to evoke emotions, bridge gaps, and create long lasting memories!

Be sure to check out the remainder of the tour!


Kimmi Taylor: Kimmi has been photographing live music since 2003. She enjoys music, photography, and matcha tea.