DIIV // Live @ The Brooklyn Paramount // 8.7.24

Article & Photos by Kyle Ostrander


Brooklyn, NY – Earlier this week, alternative rock band DIIV played The Brooklyn Paramount for the final stop on their North American leg of the Frog in Boiling Water tour. The band was on the road to support their new album of the same name. Despite it being a cold and rainy night, the venue was packed with excited fans.

As the show began, lights circling the perimeter of the stage lit up, and a screen at the back of the stage played a tongue-in-cheek video stating the show “was not just a concert, but a transformative journey”. That video was 100% accurate, as the band started the show with “In Amber”, before going right into the driving rhythms of “Like Before You Were Born”, followed by the mellow vibes of “Brown Paper Bag”. Throughout their set, each band member jammed out in their own area of the stage, surrounded by their pulsating lights which saturated the group in various colors and strobes. Several times, DIIV kicked into impressive jam sections of their songs, with twangy toned guitars floating over one another while deep bass and drums kept the momentum high.

The band didn’t say much on stage, mostly going from one song right into the next, as the crowd bounced and swayed to their sound. Sporadically, the on-stage screen played satirical video skits between songs, often featuring well-dressed individuals in business suits and skirts, to introduce the next track in a lighthearted and fun way. The group did take a moment at one point to graciously thank their fans, the opening acts, and everyone on their crew for helping make that leg of the tour so enjoyable.

DIIV will be on the road again starting in September for an expansive international tour across multiple countries. You can view all their upcoming dates here.

Kyle Ostrander: