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Passenger // Live @ Massey Hall // 8.22.24

Article and Photos by: Stephanie Snape


Toronto, ON — Thursday night Passenger played a fantastic show to a very packed audience at Massey Hall. He’s on tour for the anniversary edition of All the Little Lights, his break out album from 2013. This album holds his hit single “Let Her Go,” but the entire album is full of gems that invoke the rainy, atmospheric feeling you get when visiting the UK.

Syml opened for him with a wonderfully folk/indie set that would turn anyone into a fan. He was incredibly witty, stopping a few times to speak with the audience, indulging their questions and making jokes about himself and his trip to Canada. He also expressed his appreciation and love for getting to be on this tour, showcasing his music to so many new people. Passenger could not have selected a more in tune opener if he tried.

Passenger, also known as Michael Rosenberg, played a sold out show and included many of his most popular songs as well as a few unreleased or less well known songs. Though, if you were at the show, you wouldn’t know they were lesser known songs by the way everyone was singing along.

He joked that people often confused him as the writer of “Let It Go”—yes, the one from Frozen. (No, he didn’t write it.) He remarked that young kids in the audience probably have no idea who he is. His sense of humor resonated with the crowd, much like I’ve noticed with several UK artists. There’s an authenticity and groundedness in the way he expresses himself through his songs, and it comes across in a visceral way.

Alone on the stage with just his guitar, he made the entire show feel incredibly intimate. The audience watched with rapt fascination, singing along as he poured his heart out. It was easy to forget just how spacious the venue really was.

Passenger was last in Toronto in 2022, so this was a very welcome return. We hope to see him back again soon.
