Pearl Jam // Live @ the Hampton Coliseum // 4.18.16 CONCERT REVIEWS FEATURED MUSIC THINK PIECE by Wendy Podmenik Woodell - April 20, 2016December 29, 2017 Article and photos by: Wendy Podmenik Darugar HAMPTON, VA-- Legendary Seattle alt-rockers Pearl Jam walked on the stage of the Mothership, vocalist Eddie Vedder grasping a bottle of wine in one hand and a setlist in the other. Opening the three hour long show with “Why Go," Eddie and crew proved
The Darkness // Live @ The Belasco Theatre // 4.12.16 CONCERT REVIEWS FEATURED MUSIC by Matt Stasi // Bylle Breaux Stasi - April 16, 2016 Article and Photos by: Matt Stasi Los Angeles, CA - Glam rock with a huge set of cajones. If I get nothing else across with this review of THE DARKNESS’s show at The Belasco Theater in downtown Los Angeles this past Tuesday night, let it be that. The Darkness is all
Rob Zombie // Live at The Roxy // 04.8.16 CONCERT REVIEWS FEATURED MUSIC by Matt Stasi // Bylle Breaux Stasi - April 11, 2016 Photos by: Matt Stasi Article by: Bylle Breaux Stasi A Deal with the Devil Los Angeles, CA - “You have two minutes. You might want to down your wine,” says Michelle Billings, a gorgeous, 16-year-old from Monrovia High School as she pulls her beautiful, long locks into a careless bun on top
Desolation of Eden Tour // Live @ Gamechanger World // 3.4.16 CONCERT REVIEWS FEATURED MUSIC by Sophia Zucker - March 9, 2016March 9, 2016 Article and Photos by: Sophia Zucker HOWELL, NJ -- Chelsea Grin, one of today’s most successful deathcore bands, took the stage at Gamechanger World in New Jersey. They were supported by Oceans Ate Alaska, Lorna Shore, and Wage War on this tour. At Gamechanger World, there’s two stages, so usually smaller
Album Review: ALEXISONFIRE’s “Live At Copps” ALBUM REVIEWS MUSIC by Sophia Zucker - February 24, 2016February 25, 2016 Article by: Sophia Zucker Canadian post-hardcore band Alexisonfire have released their first ever live record on February 12th, 2016, Live at Copps. It was recorded at their sold out show in Hamilton, Ontario on December 30th, 2012 in front of 10,000 fans. This show was the last show on their farewell
Andrew W.K. // Live @ Dingbatz // 12.6.15 CONCERT REVIEWS FEATURED MUSIC Uncategorized by Steven Principato - December 9, 2015December 11, 2015 Article by: Steven Principato (Andrew W.K.) and Brian Toglia (Policemen in Pickups) Photos by: Steven Principato CLIFTON, NJ SP: In a little known venue, buried among the provincial dive bars frequented by working class, metal headed denizens of local origin, there came a man with simple mission: Determine our collective ability to party
GWAR // Live @ Webster Hall // 11.15.15 CONCERT REVIEWS FEATURED MUSIC by Steven Principato - November 19, 2015November 19, 2015 GWAR-ticle and Photos by: Steven Principato Union Square, NYC -- At a venue familiar for sweaty raves (people still do that?), tonight there would be no ecstasy-fueled, bass-bumping, fist-pumping orgies of discotheque debauchery at the historic Union Square venue. Instead, we would be forced to endure the skull crushing metal assault and hyper-projectile spew
Fates Warning, Next to None // Live @ St. Vitus // 10.13.15 CONCERT REVIEWS FEATURED MUSIC by Steven Principato - October 20, 2015October 20, 2015 Article and Photos by: Steven Principato NYC - Living in the distant wake of the musically lethargic and guitar solo absent 1990’s,one might wonder if mankind could ever re-discover his long forsaken musical renaissancethey referred to as “Progressive” music. Was this esoteric magic extinct from the theoretically de-evolved modern day musician?
Garden City Movement // Live @ Elvis Guesthouse // 10.06.15 CONCERT REVIEWS FEATURED MUSIC by Steven Principato - October 10, 2015October 16, 2015 Photos and Article by: Steven Principato Buried within a dimly lit sub-basement lounge in alphabet city, the gentle electronic beatsand soothing guitar work of Garden City Movement reverberated the subterranean cavernof Elvis’s Guesthouse if NYC. Packed to capacity with loyal followers, undeterred by an unmitigating work week, they found an escape in
SUPER MARIO MAKER – REVIEW FEATURED GAMING GAMING REVIEWS by MonkeyGoose - September 17, 2015September 18, 2015 Nintendo gives fans the ability to create and share their own Mario levels, resulting in a fantastic level editor that champions the Wii U's unique capabilities and the iconic plumber's 30 year career. This September marks the 30th anniversary for what has been, without a doubt, the most popular character in